Sometimes things go like this: they start out great but end up completely twisted. Like "The Man From Beijing." (Such a segueway!) When I saw the title, I bit the hook. I'm not a big mystery girl, but I am hungry to learn about other cultures, and this book, written by a Swede, takes place both in Sweden and China. Just like the day of my sick dog and cranky kids, it started out great. A gruesome mass murder in a Swedish village. What could be better? Then, a middle-aged judge from a nearby town realizes she is related to one of the victims and is drawn into the case. The writing is tight. Suspenseful. But about halfway through, the plot goes way off track. The story travels again, this time from China to Africa, taking an unnecessary detour, as if to give the author a forum for a geopolitical exegesis. It was an over-reach that ruined the book. Even after suffering through that part of the story, the book as a whole never recovered.
And here lies Mankell's cardinal sin. Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the whole premise of a mystery supposed to be that it hold us in suspense until the very end? By the time I came to the end of "The Man From Beijing," I just didn't care anymore.
Still, there's always tomorrow (thank God), and there's always the next book....

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